Jules Welpton is one of the most high-profile bassists in San Diego. She has her own band, plays with guitar fave Roni Lee, and performs live session gigs with a who’s who of San Diego’s best musicians. She is all over social media with her unique hashtag #thatblondbassist and seems to play multiple times every week. She is savy and posts photos of all her shows, all the while upping her algorithm so that her images populate feed after feed. But Jules is also a prolific teacher and she teaches her students not only bass, but mandolin and violin as well.
“Oh my goodness, I’ve been playing violin since I was like seven,” quipped Welpton. “And I always had it in my life. I majored in it in college, got my degree in music from Humbolt State. But Welpton found herself immersed in the world of bass later on in her youth. “Somebody gave me a bass in middle school and I was like, ‘I really wanna sit next to this guy in jazz band and play jazz’ which was completely different from classical or baroque or whatever I was learning. So yeah I picked up bass and, I just always got the gigs playing bass so I became known as a bass player. I love it though, I love bass. I love all instruments!”