Sandi Shaner is Taking Care of Business!

Sandi Shaner is the manager of three different musical acts here in San Diego. One is the cover band called Groove is in the Heart Band, the other is a dance music band called Get Groovin’ and the last is a Whitney Houston tribute band called Celebrating Whitney. But she is also a guitarist and singer who plays in all the bands. To be in a band can be taxing enough, but to also manage the band puts you in superhero status; and Sandi is a superhero!

In order to manage a band, you have to have sales hard skills that many people just don’t have. Plus experience in events, music and even the world of non-profits can help big time. Since I work in publications, I am very familiar with sales types, and it’s a can-do mindset that drives them in this tough field. It’s clear that Sandi was born with this drive when you listen to her story.

“I think I came out of the womb selling!” Sandi announced. But her story does not begin in events production. “I was a mechanic for seven years, I have a degree in Automotive Technology. And then I got burnt out super fast because dirt and grease is not good for girls – I’ll just say that out loud! So I left that industry and took a job at an event company and I fell in love with that! I worked my way up to being Vice President in two years, and had 40 people working with me. Then I left that company and started my own event company called Speaker Eventions. So that’s where all my sales and marketing skills come from, doing national seminars, trade shows, motivational events, and Secret Knock networking events.”

But Sandi was also a musician from an early age and loved to play her guitar. “Oh God, I was into Heavy Metal!” she admitted. “That was my original influence.” This led to her switching her focus to music with the formation of her current company Groove Entertainment in 2008. Her first act was Get Groovin who played dance hits in the casinos of San Diego County. That was successful, but came to an abrupt end due to the most deadly virus the world has ever seen.

Sandi says the entire entertainment industry came to a screeching halt in 2020 due to Covid, and nobody could perform anywhere. That darkness lasted two years. During that time of no gigs or events, Sandi had a lot of time to reflect, but also felt cooped up and bored, so that situation led to the formation of the Groove is in the Heart Band. This was a collection of friends who she knew through the notoriously friendly San Diego Music scene.

“We just put something fun and unique together during the pandemic so we could play in my front yard!” I live in Clairemont and what we would do was send out invitations and everybody would bring their own lawn chairs and sit where ever they wanted – like all across the street – and all the neighbors would come and we would just perform for them!”

This was a unique one-of-a-kind situation where San Diego Musicians really stepped up to help raise the spirits of the people in San Diego. Porch concerts were common and musicians even played in the street in front of assisted living homes because the elderly were not allowed to leave the homes. Smiling grandmas and grandpas would enjoy the music from their balconies. I suppose it’s safe to say that this will all be forgotten soon – but it was crazy.

Sandi Backstage Celebrating Whitney

But for now, the world has returned and music shows are everywhere like nothing ever happened. All three of Sandi’s bands play out on a regular basis with Celebrating Whitney gaining the most traction.

This show lends itself to the theater venue side of music, so they visit places like the Temecula Theater, The Coach House, and The Magnolia.

Oh I almost forgot, Sandi is also the Founder/President of Carly’s Cause, a non-profit organization committed to helping special needs children and their parents. To say that she does it all is technically an overstatement, but a girl that can handle all these facets can definitely be called a superhero!

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