One of the Greatest Pleasures
One of the greatest pleasures I get from writing this column, is the opportunity to introduce my readers to new and exciting wines. And today I would like to introduce you to the dinner wine of the 21st century. Malbec.
Malbec??? What’s Malbec?
Well, it’s actually been around for quite a while and is even one of the grapes anointed by the Gauls to be included in the snobby clique used in Bordeaux Blends! But the reason it has come to prominence today is because of the Argentinians. The gods of Malbec smile down upon Argentina as she has made Malbec into a world-class varital rather than a stand-by filler playing second fiddle to Cabernet Savignon en i colline della Francia!
Malbec is the new red dinner wine of the 21st century – Bordeauxs be gone!
We’ve had it with your stuffy over-oaked, pretentious 400 dollar a bottle “don’t drink me now, wait 50 years,” Robert Parker dismissing, 101 rules reign of terrior.
Malbec is rich and full as a Cabernet, (but without the dusty tannins) but not as boring as a Merlot. A nice middle ground of red bliss. Slightly plummy with rich flavors of dried plums or fig with just enough fruit to allow you to enjoy more than one glass. The only throwback is the fact that in the 10 years or so since Argentinian Malbec first burst on the scene, the 10-dollar bottle of yore is now $20-25.
This makes Argentina the Australia of 30 years ago. Ah, those were the days of 10-dollar yummy Argentinian wine. My only fear is that Malbec will become the Chianti of the 21st century. Now that the word is out the market may soon flood with weak and underwhelming cheap Malbec from farmers out to make a fast buck.
If so, it will work for a few years and ruin the good name for 20 years. Then you’ll need to look for Malbec Classico!
Bring a Malbec to your next dinner party but taste a bottle first lest you be embarassed. My favorite so far is the Clos de los Siete.
Buon Notte!
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